Banana peel and water

I found a great fertilizer for my indoor as well as outdoor plants.

Bananas itself, are a very healthy fruit and can be utilized in so many ways. You can use it for your skin, it is said that you can use banana peel to whiten teeth, bury a banana peel at the bottom of the container when you plant a new flower... and I recently discovered banana peel works absolutely brilliant as a liquid fertilizer!

This is what I do every second day (as needed):
- Place a banana peel into a glass jar
- Fill the jar with water
- Leave for 2 days
- On the second day, shake the bottle lightly and water some indoor plants with this newly made fertilizer
- Discard of the old peel
- Clean the glass jar and add a new banana peel, should you require more of this liquid fertilizer

In tomorrow's post, I will show you how my flowers bloom after I treated them with banana peel water.

My flowers just love this fertilizer!

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